
London Tale 14

Hi ya geezers!!! HOw u doing?
YEsterday it was exactly the 100 day here in the City..so i decided to celebrate the event at O'neill's with some friends from the school that arrived the same day.
I have a big news for u all...i don't know how is the correct verb in english and i'm too fuckion lazy for check it in wordreference.com, so i try to explain it in italian-casalasco-british..yesterday "i did St.Martin"..(u fat san martein) and i moved to another room of the flat.
I left the single room with the double bad in order to move in a double room in a single bad. No i'm not crazy...it's just to spent less for the rent, and it was in order to welcoming our new flatmate: Giulia. NOw she lives in my previous room...
U know guys, with a girl in the flat me FRan, Fulvio and FEde we cannot be filthy animal anymore, so we fixed a lot of things IN DA HOUSE, like lights and the garden. Now it looks like a real flat...
So when are u coming in London??!!...u are very lazy guys
now i go to sleep, cause tomorrow i start at 6.30 so the clock rings at 5.45...JEEEEEEEZ

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