
"Pronto Acchiappafantasmi... sì, siamo tornati"

Stasera, ore 21, a furor di popolo, ARS torna ad invadere l'etere casalasco (e non solo), non mancate.


London Tales 12

ho knows what ZUBROWKA is raise his hand. I think none from Casalmaggiore, or maybe few, know what it is, i mean from the picture maybe the can realise what it could be, but not what it means for me. Zubrowka is a particular quality of polish's vodka, really strong and really good, if u know what i mean. I tried it first two years ago in Casa Menetti in a Polish Party (where i participate in a world drinking contest). For me it reminds good time and good friends so i was vary glad to drink it again, when Agnieska (Fran's girlfriend) brought to our flat on Friday! For the first time i had a good nigt out with my flatmates (not everybody cause Fede was working),Fulvio, Fran, Marco, Zubrowka, a Korean saché and my friend Jack Daniel's we had really a blast!
Probably everybody knows that i'm coming back on the 8th to celebrate with a HUGE party some graduations (congrats to Lorenzo, Claudio, Marina, Kitty, Gloria from Modena and i'm sure someone else that right now i'm forgetting). BUT in order to come home i have to work without days off from tomorrow (Wednesday) to Thursday of the next week..i think i'm gonna die!!!
Talking about work i'm starting to hate asian people..i think they are almost 40% or even more of our customers, but they understand absolutely nothing (when they can talk in english) try to figure out when a old chinese lady come in and speak in Mandarin with me, explaining that she wants a Mille Feuille!!! fuck off...and they always want the most difficult to take piece of cake on the fridge, AND what drive me crazy they don't left any TIPS!!!
i hope to survive to this week with 44 hours workin, with 2 days in a row at the coffe machine and working 11 hours on saturday, missing the DERBY!!!
guys, i'm talking to the new doctors..let get your kidney ready!!!
see u soon
hopefully with some energy left
bye guys and take care


Jump [2]

Oh ragazzi ci spiace, ma i redattori di Agniao sono very busy these days, ci si sente settimana prossima.



London Tales 11

Salve ciurma, sono stanco scazzato e sonno, quindi oggi scrivo in italiano.
32 fottute ore in 3 giorni in quella pasticceria...roba da mat!...fate conto che venerdi mi ero pure dimenticato del sorteggio; sono stato informato da Fran quando sn tornato a casa da lavoro a mezzanotte!
Cmq veniamo alle cose serie...è stata una ottima settimana. Lunedì è arrivato Max Morselli, l'ho subito portato al Walkbout..locale pseudo disco da 5 pounds e dove coca e jack costa 2 pounds!!!!ci siamo tornati con Fulvio, Anna, Frida & Radha (due amiche svedesi) al mercoledi e lasciatemelo dire: IL DEVASTO!!! non c'erano come al solito studenti stranieri, ma solo inglesi e la maggior parte in pigiama: c'era a nostra insaputa un pijama party!!! oh madonna quanta gnocca...veramente roba da star male; chiedere a Fulvio e Morse..
Giovdi-Venerdi 22 ore di lavoro!!! sabato 10, ma ho finito alle 21, quindi si è andati a ballare. Ora, qui viene il bello, e la spiegazione alla foto della settimana. Ero d'accordo con Fulvio per andare in una disco normalissima, c stavamo cambiando, quando arriva la telefonata dall'Anna: " ciao caro c'è ale a londra, e avrebbe piacere a aoffrirvi un tavolo in un locale molto posh"...tavolo, vodka e DOM PERIGNON, il che per uno abituato a bere Lambrusco di Sorbara preso alla Conad, è davvero troppo! (nn sto qui a dirvi cosa ha speso perche mi vien male)
cmq...in quel locale io e fulvio sepppur tirati con camicia e cravatta eravamo degli autentici BARBONI, per cui andavamo in giro spacciandoci per i nipoti di Ancelotti, anche se forse dicendo che di essere i nipoti di Mubarak forse avremmo avuto più fortuna (ops...l'ho detta...ogni riferimento è puramente casuale).
Stasera invece siamo andati all'irish pub solito (o'neill's) e scena epica: 6 o 7 italiani TORINESI E TORINISTI arrivano nel locale, riconoscono Ale e inizia il delirio, scene da panico e foto, autografi e hanno pure offerto una pinta a ALe...ora...mettetevi nei loro panni, sei in vacanza a londra, entri in un irish e trovi il tuo idolo che beve una foster's e mangia dei nachos..con tutto il rispetto e i dovuti paragoni è come se io trovassi al pub IL BOBO!!!
vabbeh ragazzi, domani chiedo quando posso tornare a fare un giro in italia, guerra permettendo, e quindi a rompervi le palle per qualche giorno.
statemi bene
a presto


London Tales 10

and party and party and party and pa and pa and party....Hello sunshine!!!
Come on let's do a game..it's green, it's irish, it means BEEEEEEER and it comes in March: What is it? yeah u got it!!!...It's St.Patrick's Day!!! Today i was off of work and a friend of mine advised me, with a fuckin late :( ,that in Trafalgar Square a lot of people were celebrating St.Patrick's Day..i mean it wasn't St.Patrick's because it was the 13th, but St.Patrick's come on Thursday and London is too fuckin busy during the week for celebrating closing the streets and doing parade and concerts...so EVERYBODY in Trafalgar wearing something green (i have NOTHING green) and drinking beer, singing and dancing irish songs on Sunday. It was really a blast!
But i was wondering with a swedish friend of mine...english people dressed up with green clothes and a lot of them were wearing the Ireland Rugby jersey and a lot of jersey of irish football and rugby teams..it's like if my friend, once a year would become Norwegian, or if we once a year would become FRENCH!!! c'mon it's fucking crazy..Actually there was a mad gin-smelling woman with bare foot that went through the parade yelling people to go home, cause they were not iris, and it's a fucking non-sense day...i can agree a little with her, but what the fuck, i don't give a shit, it's just another excuse to hang out with friends and have a blast together and OF COURSE drinkin GUINNES!!!!
Closed this chapter, i can say that everything is fine. I'm working and tomorrow Morselli Massimo is coming to London...we have to celebrate his birthday party!!
We are still looking for a new flat, because this house is really a shit, but it's really hard to find something good and cheap and with a good location like close to the tube in zone 2 and a sainsbury's just crossed the door (like here in Camden).. :D i'm joking, but it's hard as well.
So, waiting for the second St.Patrick's day of the week (the true one on Thursday, i hope to have a good rota at work for celebrating it twice) i hope that u will celebrate it with a good pint of beer, especially guinnes..
take care mates
your lovely londoner



Avvisiamo i gentili ascoltatori che per cause indipendenti dalla nostra volontà questa settimana Agniao non potrà andare in onda, ci si rivede settimana prossima.
Chiarimenti in privato.


London Tales 9

Goooooooooooooood Night Fellas
How u doing?
I am delight to inform u, everybody, that i got a job!!!
On monday i went to an interview to the belgian patisserie chain "Patisserie Valerie", born in London in 1926 (i think, or something like that) and i was successful. So they asked me to come back on Tuesday for a 4 hours of trial shift and i was successful as well...so now i have to work!
I have 40 hours per week, the wage is the minimum, but almost everywhere in London they pay the minimum for a work like that.
I have to serve the tables, take orders and take cae of the take away customer, and...AND do that fuckin Americano coffee..it's almost 95% water and 5% coffee...it's disgusting!
By the way...tomorrow i have a training from 14 to 20 on the bar, on Thursday i have another kind of training from 6 to 12 on the floor (serve tables), on Friday i am off and on Saturday i have another training on the take away...so that's my first days...but every week is changing!
We decided to move from our fuckin flat 'cause it's really really shitty..so now we are looking for another flat, but it's quite difficult to find something for 4 people!
By the way, mate, take care..
your lovely, and hopefully favourite, londoner

ps: fuck off Belgium...and who wanna understand...

ps2: here's the link of my workplace...have a look at the menu so if u decide to come visit London remember to avoid Patisserie Valerie...it's fuckin expensive



E' un momento difficile per ARS, la puntata di Mercoledì vedrà per la prima volta la defezione di Capitan Lore, un duro colpo per tutti noi. I restanti faranno del loro meglio, facilmente avremo anche qualche ospite in studio ed è sempre ben accetta la collaborazione da casa dei nostri fedelissimi ascoltatori.
Se ya tomorrow, madaffaca.


Aggiornamenti vari

Ho rimesso in ordine il blog, le puntate nuove sono anche in podcast ora, abbiamo un solo problema, la puntata 6 (natale) è stata rimossa da mediafire e non è più scaricabile, io l'ho persa quando mi s'è bruciato l'hd, se qualcuno avesse la puntata da parte è pregato di farmelo sapere e possibilmente di recapitarmela in qualsivoglia maniera.



Viva Colonia

Ospiti (letteralmente) internazionali stasera ad Agniao, rigorosamente in diretta alle 21.


PS. In verità non so più cosa scrivere, il fetore della putrefazione a tratti si fa fortissimo nel buggigattolo, ma abbiamo attivato ventilatori giganti per cacciarlo fuori, tranquilli, anche stasera in qualche modo ce la caveremo .

PPS. Gli ospiti internazionali li abbiamo veramente però.