

London Tales 15

The Nazis are back??????
it doesn't seem like Berlin street during the nazi's campaign? today i was off and i decided to go out with Fede and Fran and this is how Regent's Street looks like!!! i think it's a bit scary, but it's just my opinion. The Royal wedding is coming in a very few days and i'm a bit sad..i really feel sad for Studio Aperto..they are braking our "Family Jewels" since two years, i can't neither image in these days how many times studio aperto is talking about THE WEDDING..the dress, the hour, the church, the Queen, the food, the guests (who are coming and who "ti faccio sapere") and so on (obviously forgetting to say the main event in the country)...poor Studio Aperto director, after Friday has only the animals and Ferilli's boobs to talk about.
I mean, for me this wedding is just 9 hours working at incredible speed, with 10 more tables outside the shop, because the whole Charing Cross Road will become pedestrian zone..we will be 4 guys @take away, 6 @floor and 3 @the bar...i just hope it will rain...can u imagine? 13 plus the at least 2 managers working for only the 19 inside tables...LOL
How was the Easter guys? i spent mine working on sunday and monday, and i spent my day off on saturday recovering from a terrible hangover! (c'mon Jack let's go to Holborn with some friends just for a beer and then we go home", my workmate said...)

speaking of good news..the big manager told me that i can go in italy the 2 of june...so: PSYCHO,GROUPIE,COCAINE,CRAZY!!!

furthermore i have to welcome the new comer in 44A Camden Road...the Play Station 2 with Pro Evolution Soccer...now we just need a tv or a screen, or something and let's start playing!!!

see you guys...and what the fuck, let's put the latest episode in this blog!!!!

your lovely and favourite londoner


London Tale 14

Hi ya geezers!!! HOw u doing?
YEsterday it was exactly the 100 day here in the City..so i decided to celebrate the event at O'neill's with some friends from the school that arrived the same day.
I have a big news for u all...i don't know how is the correct verb in english and i'm too fuckion lazy for check it in wordreference.com, so i try to explain it in italian-casalasco-british..yesterday "i did St.Martin"..(u fat san martein) and i moved to another room of the flat.
I left the single room with the double bad in order to move in a double room in a single bad. No i'm not crazy...it's just to spent less for the rent, and it was in order to welcoming our new flatmate: Giulia. NOw she lives in my previous room...
U know guys, with a girl in the flat me FRan, Fulvio and FEde we cannot be filthy animal anymore, so we fixed a lot of things IN DA HOUSE, like lights and the garden. Now it looks like a real flat...
So when are u coming in London??!!...u are very lazy guys
now i go to sleep, cause tomorrow i start at 6.30 so the clock rings at 5.45...JEEEEEEEZ


Drunk Agniao

Puntata delirante stasera ad Agniao, sorprese clamorose, grandi rientri, grandi ospiti, tanta Inghilterra e tanta balordaggine. Non perdetevi quella che è destinata ad entrare negli annali come una delle migliori puntate nella storia della radiofonia.


PS. L'onestà è nostra dote, non saremo in diretta, non avremmo potuto creare questa meravigliosa puntata otherwise.

PPS. Per comodità stasera verrà abolito lo streaming, la puntata è stata tempestivamente caricata nel podcast(Episode 18) e potrà essere ascoltata tramite il medesimo già all'orario canonico.

PPPS. Ari, la puntata mancante è la 5, non la 6.

PPPPS. Per le querele ricordo a tutti che il responsabile da contattare è Fè.

London Tales 13

I was looking for the Agniao picture that we took on FRiday but it isn't on Facebook yet..so i choose this one!!!

Anyway, hi ya geezers!!!
I thnik i've told more than 100 times the same words "i'm working in a patisserie, cafè...bla bla bla" so now u know almost everything.
And while this week end i was in Italy i've nothing to tell you guys.
Furthermore i'd like to to thanks the graduates for the amazing party and all the other geezers for the blast in this week end! love u all
Looking the pictures on FB i noticed that, even if under my picture with the stupid glasses took 2 weeks ago there are a lost of bad comments, EVERYONE tried that "horrible" glasses!!!
I hope that NOW u all remember the DRESS TO IMPRESS...
see ya

your lovely londoner

PS: don't forget this week episode of Agniao....THE BEST ONE


Once more, No Agniao, No Party.

Purtroppo anche stasera siamo impossibilitati a trasmettere, forse (e sottolineo FORSE) riusciremo a trasmettere domani, ma non vi assicuriamo nulla. E' un periodo un po' balordo, portate pazienza, dalla settimana prossima cercheremo di tornare il più regolari possibile.



Sixteen is Seventeen

In effetti eravamo ubriachi credo, "SEDICESIMA PUNTATA" dicevano gli speaker, senza avvedersi che in effetti era la diciassettesima.
Non che ve ne freghi molto, ma boh, mi pareva giusto segnalarlo.
